Measurement Settings Panel
Configure the instrument to log measurements over time. In the Measurement view, the computer's clock controls measurement start/stop/interval, and readings are stored in a data log on the computer.
Data Log Name
The default file name consists of the oscilloscope model number followed by "Data Log", the date, current time, and a numeric index. For example, <model> Data Log 2021-12-20 11-40-26 31 – December 20, 2021 at 11:40:26 a.m. with a numeric index of 31.
For example – C:\Users\<user_name>\Documents\Keysight\PathWaveOscilloscope\Data Logs\.
To change the default name, click to open the file name editor. You can edit the prefix name and also have the option to include or exclude the date, current time, and numeric index. The date is in the form YYYY-MM-DD and the time is in the form HH-mm-ss (24-hour time format). For example, Data Log 2021-12-20 11-40-26 31 – December 20, 2021 at 11:40:26 a.m. with a numeric index of 31.
- The date and time fields are based on your computer's internal clock setting.
- The data log is stored with a .IVIF file extension.
Measurement Selection
Select the desired measurements to be included in the data log. Click the "Enable All" button to select all available measurements. Select the "Disable All" button to unselect all available measurements or traces.
To add or modify the measurements to be displayed in the Settings panel, click the "Measurements..." button on the Instrument View Settings panel or go to the oscilloscope front panel. For more information, see Waveform Measurements.
Data Log Settings
Configure the instrument for measurement data logging.
Start Data Logging
Immediately with Start Button - Start data logging when you click the "Start" button.
At Specific Time - Start data logging at a specific time and date. Enter the desired date in the form YYYY (year), MM (month), and DD (day). Enter the desired time in the form HH (hours), mm (minutes), and ss (seconds).
Logging Interval
Enter the desired interval between samples in the form DD (days), HH (hours), mm (minutes), ss (seconds), and ms (milliseconds). Select Minimum to select the shortest interval based on the instrument's current settings.
Stop Data Logging
Immediately with Stop Button - Terminate data logging when you click the "Stop" button.
After Elapsed Time - Terminate data logging after the specified amount of time has elapsed. Enter the desired duration in the form DD (days), HH (hours), mm (minutes), and ss (seconds).